Still Missing East Village Café

I just got off of work, freshened up, grabbed me two breakfast tacos, and drove to the newest coffeeshop on the east side of Austin - Figure 8.  Figure 8 is in the same location where East Village Café was located before they closed their doors earlier this year. East Village Café was the only coffeeshop in Austin that had my heart and I enjoyed going there in my free time whenever I had the chance.  When I would drive down Chicon, and see the building vacant, knowing the many good writing sessions I had in that space and knowing what coffeeshops are left here in Austin and my experiences in many of them, always gets me a bit sad.  And what these Austin coffeeshops don't and probably truly won't ever get is that it's not necessarily the place that makes a coffeeshop feel like a comforting place to be.  It's mostly the people behind the counter.  My interaction with the person behind the counter usually says it all.  Then and still, East Village Café has all my love.  The best cup of coffee I've ever had was in that space.


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